Wednesday, February 22nd 2023
Howdy! So, just a small little update to the home page as we're making some changes to the rest of the site. A lot of these changes have not been implemented yet but there is one slight change to the blog page to make it a little easier to navigate. Now, instead of every blog post being loaded onto one lengthy page the posts are spread out, each with their own individual page! That way you can easily find which post you'd like to read without having to scroll through an enormous backlog of shitty blog posts! I mean, amazing blog posts that you definitely want to read...yeah, that's what I meant. Future changes will include a "prevoius post" and "next post" button at the bottom of every blog post as well as a "Back to Posts" button. Still need to work out all the logistics for that, but hopefully it won't be too bad. In any case, that's what is going on with the site right now. If anything ever seems to be broken or looks out of place, just let me know, I'm more than willing to make the fix.
Remember that if you want to keep up to date with my life you can read the blog or if you just want to know a little bit about me, feel free to read the about section (that could still use some work, honestly). I'll also be adding a "Writing" tab eventually where I'll start posting chapters to a story I plan on working on. This'll probably take a minute to get off the ground, as all I have right now are overarching story beats and a few characters. That's not a ton to work with at the moment, but once I have a good starting point you will see those posted here. Other than that, there isn't much to report about the site. I do plan on making some more updates to the "style" of the site, though I quite like how simplistic it looks. Makes me feel like I'm back int 2005. Anyway, I'll leave you all with that today. Pretty short site update this time.